Saturday, December 28, 2019

Music to His Printer

Music to His Printer Music to His Printer Music to His PrinterLaurent Bernadac has two passions engineering and playing the violin. Both require a sharp concentration and are an art to be respected. However, for most of his life, he assumed he could not combine the two.But now he has, with his 3D-printed violin.The 3Dvarius was born in 2012, he says. I was a student in a mechanical engineering university called INSA and based in Toulouse. Im also a professional violinistI began the violin at four. I decided to create an electric violin that was corresponding to my playing style.But at first, he didnt know to plan it. I searched about it and based my design on the planes of a real Stradivarius, says Bernadac, who previously worked for a hydropower firm in charge of restoring a hydropower factory. And after three prototypes, and many different 3D models, I reached the final model, which is fully playable. The third prototype utilized a stereolithography 3D printer.Laurent Bernadac spen t years designing 3Dvarius. Image 3DvariusDesign ChallengesAccording to Bernadac, the biggest challenge in the process was to ensure the solidity of the neck of the violin against the strength of the four chords stress. Then I had to keep the mandatory shapes of a classical violin to keep it fully playable for a classical violinist, he says. The weight of the violin is very important, too. It has to be as light as possible. So I had to design a lattice on the back of the violin to keep it strong and light.To design this lattice, he had to check the mechanical solidity of the violins body. He accomplished this with RDM6 software, which computes the deformation of the piece against the stress of the chords, he says.A classical violinist can play it because all of what he deems the mandatory shapesneck, chinrest and bridgeare present, he says. But, as a conventional electric violin, it has no soundboard, he says. The sound goes directly from the chords to the bridge without losing its power. But electric violin is not really like a classical violin. Its like electric and acoustic guitars. You have to play it differently according to the sound and the effect you want to obtain.Listen with PatienceBernadac says 3D printing objects are used by musical instrument producers to create only prototypes, but he believes it will eventually lead to creating final instruments. And maybe totally new instruments with totally new sounds, he adds.He says electric violins cant be used like you would a conventional violin and easily transsumpt it into a symphony orchestra. But I think that all actual instruments will be 3D printable in a few years, he says, And maybe we will be able to listen to fully 3D printed musical bands.Eric Butterman is an independent writer.Learn more about the latest trends in 3D printing at AM3D Conference and Expo. For Further DiscussionI think that all actual instruments will be 3D printable in a few years. And maybe we will be able to listen to fully 3D printed musical bands.Laurent Bernadac, 3Dvarius

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

How to Write a Cover Letter They Cant Ignore

How to Write a Cover Letter They Cant IgnoreHow to Write a Cover Letter They Cant IgnoreMany job candidates focus all their energy on their resume and dont take the time to learn how to write a cover letter.However, if you write a weak cover letter or none at all, your well-crafted resume may never get seen. On the other hand, a great cover letter sets you apart and demands attention. Ninety-one percent of executives polled by Robert Half said cover letters are valuable when evaluating job candidates. Here are some tips to get you started.The salutationAddress the cover letter directly to the hiring manager to show you did your research dont use a generic introduction such as Dear Sir or Madam or To Whom It May Concern. If you dont know the name of the hiring manager, call the company to find out. Also, use a colon in the salutation to keep it formal.The first paragraphReveal your reason for writing in the introductory paragraph. State the name of the position youre applying for and if someone referred you. A familiar name can create a bond with the reader from the start. You can also try to hook the reader in this paragraph by offering her a compelling reason to continue reading, such as including a tidbit about the company or a preview of your qualifications.The body paragraph(s)Sell yourself to your potential employer in the next one or two body paragraphs. First, state why youre ideal for the position. While some of this information will be detailed on your resume, use a more conversational style here and try to expand on what your resume says. Try to use exact wording from the job description when describing your skills and experience. Why? Computer programs often scan cover letters for key words used in the job description or job posting. Managers reviewing resumes also look for those key phrases.Be sure to research the firm so you can explain how your skills and background are ideal for the organization. Remember Keep your message focused on what you can do for the company, not what it can do for you.Closing paragraphMention how and when you plan to follow up, and tell the potential employer youre interested in continuing the conversation about the position. Thank the reader for her time, and include a standard closing that youd find in a business letter.What information do you think is most important in a cover letter? Let us know in the comments section.RELATED deutsche post agWriting Cover Letters is Key

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hey Grads! No Experience No Problem! (Sort of) Rerun

Hey Grads No Experience No Problem (Sort of) RerunHey Grads No Experience? No Problem (Sort of) RerunHey Grads No Experience No Problem (Sort of) RerunThis post originally aired on March 26, 2008. The message still holds true today, so here it is again in case you missed it the first time around.I graduated from college two years ago (four now) with the notion that having a college degree would serve in place of experience and pretty much guarantee a decent starting salary in a first job. And finding that first job was going to be a piece of cake with a degree to boast. Knowing what I know now, I couldnt have been more foolish.What I Learned about Experience, from ExperienceYou have it, but its not the right kind. The Experience section of my pre-graduation resume looked a little something like this Pizza Place, 3 years Some Pharmacy, 2 years This Gym, 5 months. In my mind, this kind of work record showed a prospective employer that Im a good, loyal worker. But if the jobs and skills are irrelevant to the field of work youre looking to enter, your resume will appear weak and incomplete. And thats where point 2 comes in ...Your free time in college counts for more than you think. College meant the freedom to schedule my own day. To be done with classes by noon or to not even start until 4 p.m. Oh, and the parties? Yeah, those were really something. But what about student activities and clubs? Or the internships advertised around universittsgelnde? Not only did my contributions to the campus newspaper and my summer internship at a publishing house give me valuable experience for the workforce, they also gave me a stronger resume that secured interview after interview.Financially, your degree will only take you so far. Nowadays, practically any schreibstube position requires a bachelors degree. Back when having a college degree was less common, you could use it as a negotiating tool for more money. No degree? Youd start at $20,000 a year. Bachelors degree? OK, how about $35,000? But this system doesnt apply in todays workforce. Having a degree to put on your resume might get you in the door, but only experience will influence the kind of money you want to makeunless youre in an industry where each degree level means higher pay, such as teaching or engineering.Figuring out what you really want to do will only get easier. Landing that first job is something worth celebrating. After the countless hours of searching and interviewing, youve made the leap from student to professional and your career can only go up from there. In my first year, I learned how to adjust to regular office hours, figured out what my superiors expected from me, and most importantly, I learned that that particular company was not quite right for me. In your first job, youll figure out what makes you happy about your career choice, and what doesnt. And thats how youll know its time to build on your experience and start looking for a new job.If youre just making the transi tion from student to professional (or will be soon), dont let the 2-4 years of experience required stop you from applying for positions that interest you. Your coursework and contributions to clubs or internships count toward that number just be sure to describe them with skill and professionalism on your resume, highlighting the most important, job-relevant contributions. And as always, keep in mind that if your goal is a better, higher-paying position, you have to gain experience somewhere.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

10 Tips on Effectively Looking for a Job While Employed

10 Tips on Effectively Looking for a Job While Employed10 Tips on Effectively Looking for a Job While Employed10 Tips on Effectively Looking for a Job While EmployedLooking for a job while employed and collecting a paycheck may seem like the best of both worlds, but it adds a few extra challenges that youll need to account for.Recruiters and companies often prefer to work with still-employed candidates, since they are more likely to have up-to-date skills. However, applying for jobs while employed can spell logistical nightmare for you. Unless your boss has warned you of upcoming layoffs and has authorized you to use company time for a job search, you will have to channel your inner Jason Bourne and make your next steps stealthy.How do you successfully start looking for a job while employed?Here are some tips.1. Update your LinkedIn profile.A recruiter or a potential employer will check your LinkedIn profile when your resume shows up. Dont wait until the belastung minute update your profile nowHere are a few things to consider before you jump into editing. First off, consider turning off notifications, so that your profile updates are not broadcast across your network. Second, dont kalendertag your profile with looking for a new job your employer may be watching. Lastly, keep your listed skills updated and consistent with what you do at your current job. A dramatic change in your online profile, particularly if it does not reflect the position you currently hold, can serve as a tip-off.2. Dont post your resume on job boards.Nothing kills a discrete job search faster than receiving 15 messages from recruiters, including three voicemails on your work phone. Dont post your resume on job boards. The best new opportunities come from networking, and the risk of missing a great job on a board is more than offplatzset by assurance that your boss wont come across your resume online.3. Dont drop hints.It can be frustrating and unsatisfying to stay quiet about your sear ch. You might want to commiserate with your co-workers if an interview did not go well, or hint to your boss that you do not care about a recent reprimand because you are virtually out of there already. Fight the temptation, and keep quiet. Telling one co-worker is often the same as telling them allThis advice extends to social media. Some employers monitor facebook inc and Twitter accounts of their employees. Even if they dont, you never know who is connected to whom through the virtual network. Stay away from posting job search-related updates, from the obvious Wish me luck Heading into my second interview at ABC company this afternoon to a more vague Something exciting is in the works I cannot tell you now, but come back next week for an update4. Schedule interviews outside work hours as much as possible.You can only have so many 9 AM doctor appointments in a week before you raise suspicion Consider breakfast and lunch meetings, or ask for a slot after work many companies will a ccommodate your request, especially if you are upfront about your need for discretion.If the interview is scheduled during working hours, consider taking a vacation or personal day. Some might say that calling in sick is an option, but I would advise against it. Your boss might still expect you to jump on an 11 AM conference call from home, and you would have more explaining to do. Bite the bullet, and take a day off so you wont be distracted or expected to work.5. Stealth helps.Your ninja stealth should extend to what you wear to the amtsstube after an interview. If you show up to work in a suit and tie when you normally wear jeans and a blazer on a Friday, heads will turn and people will ask forcing you to either talk before you are ready, or lie. If your normal look is business casual (or casual), consider taking a change of clothes with you to wear after the interview or stop at home for a quick change on your way to the office.6. Dont sabotage yourself.All too often, a job se arch that is meant to be undercover is revealed through self-sabotage. Dont be that person who checks out from daily responsibilities, or picks fights with a could not care less attitude. Stay focused on your work, and keep conflict at bay as much as you can.On the same note, dont use the company network or phone to look for a new job. Always assume that your employer is looking. Getting fired over inappropriate use of company resources wont help your search.7. Dont include your co-workers or boss as references.This may sound obvious, but if you have been at your current company for a few years, it might seem natural to put down your bosss name as a reference. If the potential employer makes the call before making you an offer, you run the risk of surprising your current manager before anything is finalized.Keep in mind that reference checks are meant to be the very last step in the job search not a screening tool for recruiters and hiring managers. Protect your personal and profes sional network, and dont offer reference names until the end of the process.8. Ask your prospective employer to be discreet.Most hiring managers and recruiters assume that your current employer does not know youre looking for a job while employed. I recommend being clear and specific about your need for discretion. If you are keeping your cards close to your chest, and your recruiter is unwilling to honor that preference, pick another professional to help in your search.9. Get efficient.One of the most challenging aspects of your situation is that you have a full-time job in addition to your search. How do you find the time to dedicate to the new opportunity while staying focused and productive at work?The key to looking for a job while employed is to plan ahead and get organized. Update your online profile and resume, and create a great cover letter layout, so that you are not starting from scratch when the search begins. Whether you use a personal organizer or an app, prioritize t asks, set deadlines, and keep an up-to-date calendar to avoid double booking your appointments.10. Dont act prematurely.Hope is not a strategy Take deep breaths, and stay away from doing or saying anything rash just because you had a promising interview. You dont have a new job until you have received and accepted a job offer and have the signed paperwork. Anything you do or say until then must be carefully considered.In other words, searching for a job while employed requires you to tread lightly, be patient, and stay discreet.That being said, sometimes a job search reveals that grass only looks greener on the other side. If you discover how much you enjoy your current job, there is nothing wrong with calling off the search and staying where you are. The interview process would not have been a waste, because you will have earned a newfound appreciation of your short commute, interesting assignments, or a good working relationship with your boss. After all, no job is perfect and if this process helps you rediscover your passion for the parts that you love, so be it.Want to see how your resume stacks up? Try out our free critique todayRelated Articles

Monday, December 9, 2019

Where to Add Resume on Linkedin Features

Where to Add Resume on Linkedin Features The Argument About Where to Add Resume on Linkedin Picking the right job application framework is critical to must appropriate approach to make application properly. If youre trying to find work, you may be brief on cash. There are several strategies to do that. It is possible to also mention opportunities youre searching for and what sorts of professionals youd love to meet. You might depart from your thoughts as evaluations to our site quality. The way the Service Works My Perfect Resume is totally self-directed, or so the amount of time it needs to go through the comprehensive process will change from person to individual. Resumes are normally somewhat restrictive because you comply with an overall format. So make sure you be yourself. 1 difference between your resume and your LinkedIn profile is that it is possible to say much mora since youve got no limits on space. Ensure your profile is left up to date instead of merely a repeat of your resume. The recent U.S. professional standards do not require that you incorporate a photo on your resume. Your resume was created to sell 1 productyou. At the saatkorn time that you must use your cover letter to illuminate components of your application rather than repeat them, you ought to be in a punkt to do so in a few of paragraphs. You simply have 300 characters to use that ought to be more than enough to convey the reason you wish to connect. Something as easy as finding the best person to supervise your cover letter may have a huge effects. Something as easy as finding the perfect person to control your resume cover letter may have a sizable effects. Facts, Fiction and Where to Add Resume on Linkedin Its your opportunity to add things which dont necessarily work on a resume but that are still related to your job search. If you are a person who applies to every other job you are able to find, then it may be the very reason youre still unemployed. So , its really important to analyze every work opportunity carefully and apply just for the ones that suit you well. Do anything youve got to do in order to enter an exceptional mood before you walk into an interview. Life After Where to Add Resume on Linkedin You must fill your profile in detail to receive the best result with this plugin. You ought to be dressed appropriately to match the post and the sort of company youre applying to. Be certain that your resumes and go over characters have the same sort of top excellent papers and printed utilizing just the exact same type of inkjet printer or ink. Finally, a candidates LinkedIn page is starting to turn into a great deal more essential, and need to be in accord with the application. The easiest thing you can do to improve your LinkedIn profile is to bring a very good headshot. The response is it is dependent on your LinkedIn profile and resume. By keeping your LinkedIn profile current, potential employers can find you, an d it enables you to grow your individual brand. There are means to boost your LinkedIn profile so that you may network with more people. This comprehensive LinkedIn tutorial is going to teach you just how to compose your profile so you may convince your ideal customers, partners and industry peers it is possible to help them overcome their challenges. LinkedIn delivers these 5 strategies for picking the appropriate profile photo if you would like more help with this. LinkedIn doesnt offer you a place to place your credentials following your name. Up in Arms About Where to Add Resume on Linkedin? When looking for a different job that you should lead to a how to earn a perfect resume. Full Driving Permits a Facilities Director, you will probably be requested to supervise a lot more than 1 site at exactly the same moment. Full Traveling Permits a Facilities Director, youll probably be requested to supervise much more than 1 webpage at the exact same moment. LinkedIn is among the most effective career tools for your job search aside from your resume. Letting people know about your new job status on LinkedIn isnt only an excellent method to celebrate your success, but it could also signal to prospective employers that you might be a fantastic candidate later on. Whether youre searching for a new job at this time, you should have a good presence on LinkedIn. Building a robust expert network is smart at any stage in your nursing career. If you take a look at your present LinkedIn profile, theres a gauge on the right hand side that offers you a Profile Strength measurement. The other bad thing about career goals is the true truth that it may be too specific. You will see generally two forms of career statement. Nurses careers can greatly gain from LinkedIn, and developing a good profile is a wonderful place to begin building your nursing and healthcare network. In case of cancellation by AAS, registrants can choose to attend another workshop or get a complete refund. The LinkedIn URL ought to go in the header along with the remainder of your contact details. After clicking on the Groups icon, it is going to take you to a brand-new page. A great event flyer vorlage serves the aim of presenting each one of the details in a well-organized and intriguing way.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Read What the Experts Think About Writing a Resume for an Internship Position

Read What the Experts Think About Writing a Resume for an Internship Position New Ideas Into Writing a Resume for an Internship Position Never Before Revealed Internship opportunities may present the very first time that many might have to compose a resume. Today you are going to learn how to make a resume for internship in Google that is nearly sure to land you the job. Internships can provide a student an extremely valuable opportunity since they can allow you to get some expert work experience below your belt as you continue your studies. They impart critical experience in the industry. Put in the effort to ensure it is strong, and you will land the internship in virtually no time. If you possess a number of internships, a different Internship section can be produced on your resume. A zeugungsfhig internship resume objective is necessary to stand out as the perfect internship candidate. Becoming an intern for Google is a complicated procedure, and while a winning resum e significantly improves your probability of getting bedrngnisices, in addition, there are other stages, like the interview, where you must also do your very best to get what you would like. Expand your objective to include things like a persuasive overview of why youre the perfect internship job candidate. You should list work in reverse chronological order starting with your latest job. The most essential part of an internship resume is making sure the abilities and experience you do have, although you might be very early in your career, are great for the job which you need to do. Oftentimes, available positions in little businesses are overlooked as a result of absence of advertisement. Whats more, if youre changing careers that can be made use of internship experience. Finding an internship at Google is no simple fit either, because there could be thousands of applicants competing with you for the identical position. You might need to start creating a portfolio of well-wr itten pieces so that you can quickly refer to them when required. Life, Death and Writing a Resume for an Internship Position An objective helps the employer see you have direction, that youve thought about what you need to do and youve got a feeling of what youre getting into. An appropriate internship on a resume sample can cause you to stick out from the crowd. Naturally, not every resume is organized in precisely the same style, and that means you own a bit of freedom here. Writing a resume for an internship can be challenging, particularly if youre just starting to enter the professional world. Possessing a cover letter to go together with your resume is a very good method to speak to them about who you are and your interest in the business. A career objective isnt a statement about telling the employer what you desire. If youre asking for an internship, the very first thing you have to be wondering is the way to convince the employer to hire you once you have zero exp erience whatsoever. On the flip side, if youre writing an advertising internship resume, then youre probably writing to an exact ruthless person whos very good with people in any type of situation.

Friday, November 29, 2019

How to Cope With Bad Sales Managers

How to Cope With Bad Sales ManagersHow to Cope With Bad Sales ManagersWorking for a good sales manager makes your job a thousand times easier (not to mention more fun). Shell help you out with any problems, give you advice and good coaching, shout your praises to the team when youre having a good month, and protect your back from upper management as needed. The relationship between a good sales manager and a good salesperson is a partnership in which each feier knows the role he needs to take to promote the partnerships success. Who are the bad managers? Bad sales managers run the gamut from the ones who micromanage every moment of the teams time to the ones who hide in their offices until the quota results come out and then emerge to yell at the team for not doing better. Sometimes, problem sales managers are transfers from another department who dont know anything about sales, but figure that wont matter, because how complicated can sales be, right? More often, the toxic sales managers are terrific salespeople who got kicked upstairs to management with little or no training on how to manage. Like most star-quality salespeople, theyre demanding, focused, and goal-oriented. ansicht former salespeople are trained to think of every challenge as an opportunity. Now that they are managing a sales team, the people in their team are the tools by which an opportunity can be achieved. If a salesperson on the team is accomplishing a lot, the sales manager will give him the juiciest territory and best lead lists, because he knows that salesperson will get the most out of them. Meanwhile, the manager will try to help the less successful salespeople do better but unfortunately, since hes never been taught how to manage people, his attempts usually make things worse. He may get abusive because he honestly thinks that that will help motivate a struggling salesperson (or he may be trying to motivate that person right out of the office). He might breathe down the salespe rsons neck, insisting on constant updates, coming along on sales appointments and then taking over the presentation to show him how its done, etc. How to Cope One way to cope with this kind of manager is to ask for a trial period of hands-off management. Ask him to let you do your thing for two weeks, or more if you think you can sell it, and see how your numbers look at the end of that time period. Since most micromanaging sales managers respect results above all else, if you can prove that you can deliver results without all the hovering, he may back off and give you more space. If your numbers kurze unterhose later, he will probably go back to monitoring your every move for a while. Some of the less pleasant management problems happen because the sales manager is afraid of failure. This is especially true of sales managers who were top salespeople. These guys are used to being very much in control of their activities and their success. Now, as a manager, his success depends o n how well his sales team does and he has far less control over them than over himself. If this sounds like your sales manager, you can help a little by giving him plenty of information about your activities. If your manager knows you have made thirty cold calls today, have another ten prospects in the pipeline, and are going on two appointments tomorrow, hell feel a lot more comfortable and less inclined to either beat you up or hover over you all day. Another tool for managing your manager is hard facts. The more detailed information you have on paper (or on a computer) about your activities, the better. If your company uses a CRM, put ridiculous amounts of notes in every account about what you did and when. Yes, this will take time, but it will also work wonders at keeping your manager off your back. Not only does it help him to know what youre working on, but it also shows that youre working hard and accomplishing things, even if your number of closed sales happens to be down th is week.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to land your next job with a job specific resume

How to land your next job with a job specific resumeHow to land your next job with a job specific resumeI sat down in front of my computer, full of enthusiasm to apply for my dream job. After changing my resume for the 100th time, I realized Ive been sitting there for 5 hours without standing up. But hey, this time it will surely happen Im so close to getting that dream job. I upload my application and go to bed feeling satisfied with my hard work. Three weeks later, I still havent heard from them. But why? I am qualified and hard-working enoughIf youve ever been in such ? situation, youre not alone. There are many candidates just like you, struggling to come to grip with writing a stellar resume. One of the main mistakes they make is overlooking the importance of a job specific resume.What does a job specific resume mean?Lets begin with addressing the meaning of a job specific resume. Imagine youre going to your doctor because you dont feel well. They ask you what exactly the proble m is. But you say that you generally dont feel good. Do you think that they will know right away how to help you? Barely. You need you to be more specific. Its the same with resumes. If you cant explain why you are the right one for the job, the employer will not be able to help you.The next time youre applying for a job, here are 4 ways that will help you make your resume job specific.1. Find a company youre excited aboutWhen I was applying for my current position at , it was the first time I did a deeper research about the company. I checked their about page, the resume builder, their blog. And in order to understand them even better, I created my resume on the platform, too. I instantly thought Id love to work for them. This excitement made the application process somewhat easier.Before you create your next job specific resume, you should do the same. The very first step of successful job hunting is finding the company you like. This will make the application process much more e njoyable, stress-free and efficient. Youll automatically put more effort into it. If they have a product you can try out, do it. It will give you a better idea of what they do. Also, the employer will be able to see your enthusiasm, because youll use the right words to attract their attention. But more about that in my next point.Related articlesFrom uninspired to proud. My self discovery with How I got an internship at TeslaNew Job? Make your bed so youll want to lay in it2. Mirror themHow on earth can you do that, you ask? My answer is thank the universe for technology Nowadays, most companies have a blog, an about page describing each employee and an active account on each social media channel. That is your way of finding out what tone of voice they use. Are they a friendly company, or a more corporate one? To find out their responsiveness, try to Tweet to them or send them a Facebook message. How do they reply? Do they use emoticons or even Gifs? Also, check out their about pag e and take the time to read about each of the employees. What do they like? Do you have similar hobbies or fields of expertise?All this will help you pinpoint certain words and phrases they use. Try to incorporate them into your resume. Also, youd be able to find out whether theyd appreciate a more visually compelling resume or a black and white one. In your Passions section, mention the ones you have in common with the rest of the employees. All this will help you catch their attention instantly. Hiring managers spend only 7 seconds on each resume, after all.3. Use keywords they used in the job specEmployers spend hours on crafting a perfect job description. Bigger companies that receive thousands of resumes every day use an ATS. A software that helps to narrow down a big number of applicants based on the keywords they used on their resume. And ATS kills 75 percent of candidates chances of landing an interview. This system is supposed to make the job of hiring managers easier. But the problem is that it has a lot of flaws. If your resume isnt formatted in the right way and doesnt contain the right keywords and phrases, the ATS will misread it. It will throw your resume into the declined folder even though youre very qualified for the job youre applying for.The good berichterstattung is that at we make sure our format is readable by any ATS. But you need to do is a bit of research first. Read the job description carefully and write down the main keywords. What are the job title, responsibilities, and duties and the location? Then check your resume. Do you meet those requirements? Is it possible to stick those keywords within your experience sections? Make sure you dont overdo it, though. That will seem stinky to the ATS and your resume might end up in the bad folder.4. Pinpoint your skills and achievementsYour resume went through the ATS system, well done But what now? After the hiring manager receives your resume, you need to make sure you stand out. Recentl y, weve done an interview with a recruitment expert. We asked what do hiring managers and recruiters want to see on a resume.The answer was simple. You need to state what skills you have, both soft skills and technical skills. Mention your top strengths, too. Match them with the ones mentioned in the job spec to ensure the hiring manager can spot them right away. Remember that they want to see results from your work and situations in which you used your top strengths. When it comes to your tech skills, be specific. For example, if you mention your skills include Google Analytics and in your head, that means AdWords too, you should mention both.Its your turn nowIf you decide to craft your next resume on the builder, half of your job is done. The format of your resume will be ATS optimized, but its up to you to make the content of your resume job specific.Good luck with your job hunting ?? Reply Louise on February 1st, 2018 - 356am I already have a job but studying the resume I fee l like I want to re-apply for another job. ReplyLeave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *CommentName * Email * Website Subscribe now for moreSee more great content and inspiring examples of resumes done right each month. Subscribe Youre subscribed Latest posts See all posts by Eric D. Halsey The Resumes of Chernobyl by Eric D. Halsey 4 Ways Creativity Can Improve Your Resume by Katherine (Tori) LutzHow to Create a First Year Elementary School Teacher Resume

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New American Dream Create Your Own Job Security

New American Dream Create Yur Own Job SecurityNew American Dream Create Yur Own Job SecurityWhat would you do if you were approached by a secret online group of workplace activists who said vulture capitalists had rigged the job market against you? And, how would you react if they also told you that the only way to protect yourself was to practice economic disobedience? Is the new American Dream creating your own job security?Those are the questions explored in my new book A Multitude of Hope A Novel About Rediscovering the American Dream. Its the story of three out-of-work Baby Boomers trying to make sense of todays demeaning and demoralizing world of work.Whats economic disobedience? Its the practice of refusing to accept the boxes employers try to put us in. These boxes limit our sense of possibility- our hope for the present and the future- and, as a result, they undermine our ability to achieve success.New American Dream Create Your Own Job SecurityThe First BoxThe first box is this belittling notion that people in transition are job seekers and that those who work for a company are its employees. They arent. They are people of talent, because talent is like our opposable thumb. It is an attribute of our species. Talent is the capacity for excellence, and it is what defines us as human beings.The Second BoxThe second box is this equally as belittling notion that peoples wertzuwachs is locked into a normal distribution. Some will excel, some will fail and the majority will do O.K. Thats how employers rig their performance appraisal systems because doing so minimizes what they have to pay their workers.Theres just one small problem. The normal distribution was developed to describe the behavior of data, not the contribution of people. Every worker possesses the ability to deliver superior performance on-the-job. Its up to them to bring their talent to work, but its also up to their employers to get out of the way.The Third BoxFinally, the third box that empl oyers try to stick us in is this belittling notion that we are their property. What do CEOs routinely opine to all who will listen? Our employees are our most important asset. They think were just another means of production with a couple of DNA strands.And, thats exactly what well be if we dont take charge of our own careers. If we dont become as expert at career self-management as we are at our profession, craft or trade. Because heres todays unavoidable reality there is no such thing as job security any more. Given the tectonic shifts underway in the global marketplace, employers cant tell what kinds of workers theyll need six months from now, let alone two or three years down the road.So, how do we protect ourselves?Create career security- the ability always to be employed and always by an employer of our choice. Thats why I titled my novel A Multitude of Hope. Because hope is what happens when we replace employers boxes with our own commitment to finding, developing and deliver ing our talent on-the-job. We rediscover the power and promise of the American Dream.Todays blog post comes to us from formerWall Street Journalcolumnist and author/editor Peter Weddle. Weddle is also the founder, the guide to resources for employment, personal development and career success. His latest book isA Multitude of Hope, the story of three out-of-work Baby Boomers and a secret online group of workplace activists fighting the corruption and greed of Wall Street vulture capitalists. It explores how working men and women can overcome the angst and anxiety of our time and reaffirm the power and promise of the American Dream.Readers, is the new American Dream creating your own job security? Tell us your thoughts